
The Law Factory’s bespoke outsourcing tool

Lawslip is our innovative digital slip system and is an essential outsourcing tool for solicitors’ accounts.  It is a system by which all financial transaction requests are made and subsequently actioned and replaces the traditional paper slip system used by most firms.  Lawslip can work alongside existing practice systems or be used to put new systems into place which will in turn enable SRA Accounts Rules breaches to be minimized. Lawslip was trademarked in June 2014

How it works

  • The system is accessed directly through our website.

  • Every user has a secure login with a username and password which gives them access to their own page.

  • They are able to log requests for cheques, transfers, BACS and expenses to be paid – also create slips for monies received and cheques paid in.

  • A  copy of the slip must be printed out for the paper file.

  • Once a request has been logged it is actioned by an allocated person (somebody will be required onsite to write cheques and do the paying-in).

  • Once actioned the transaction details are ready to be entered onto the accounts package and then archived into the Lawslip archiving system.


  • Remove the need for paper slips and files moving around the office.
  • A digitally archived record of all requested financial transactions.
  • New systems that take previously laborious tasks and make them easy, quick and efficient.
  • The ability to track your outstanding requests – no chance of slips going “missing”.
  • Financial requests can be made from any PC/Tablet/Smartphone with an internet connection.
  • Our search functions allow the user to find any slip quickly whether it has been archived or is pending processing.

Development and Support

  • Lawslip is a bespoke system designed by the Law Factory and is not bound to any software package. We welcome your views and ideas for extra areas that can benefit your business.
  • Comprehensive Lawslip support is available by phone or email at no extra cost.

Interested in our services?

Fill in our enquiry form or contact us directly to get in touch today.